Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Simply Productive

Ironically, I am struggling with my productivity level the very week that I have been asked to submit a blog on productivity.  I am a mother of four children ranging in ages from 8 to 14.  They dance, sing, play soccer, basketball, and baseball, run track, and play the guitar, drums, and piano. I teach special education full time and run the school’s extra-curricular theater program with two shows per year and up to 150 kids involved.  I am the director of the children’s ministry at a small church, and I somehow thought there might be some extra time in the scant twenty-four hours we were blessed with to go back to school to pursue my masters.  Productivity is high on my list of concerns. In a time of squeezing all we can out of our busy weeks, we all need to use the tools that are available to us to maximize our time.
One of the apps I use every day is a low-tech, easy to use, free app on my phone.  The ColorNote app is a fancy sticky note. I organize my to do lists by color, keep track of the payroll for my Sunday morning employees, and can jot down notes using voice to text.  I can then cut and paste with the swipe of a screen and send out my lists or notes.  Since my phone is always (mostly) with me, it’s a convenient tool.  While not the most exciting, for a woman who’s computer screen is covered with actual yellow post-its, these virtual sticky notes are a huge time saver for me.
Google is my productivity’s best friend.  With Google and its many facets of bright and shiny apps and helpers, I can manage my wonderfully messy and complicated world from soccer practice or guitar lessons.  With Google calendar, I have all of my events in one place and can send my colleagues invitations to IEP meetings, my husband an “invitation” to pick up our daughter from ballet, and all of the grandparents invitations to games and birthdays.  My calendar emails and texts me reminders for every event I have scheduled.  Our school is using Google calendar for our school activity calendar. I can link it to my calendar and it save me hours of entering dates and times.  My 6th grade math PLC shares a Google docs link with all of our plans and worksheets in one easily accessible place. No more searching for a worksheet in a binder.  Copies are easily printed when a student is absent or has a missing assignment.
My productivity tools are not exciting or new or flashy.  As my kids grow and my career expands, I find myself clinging to the precious few moments when there is nothing to be checked from a to do list, no place to which I need to rush, and no pressing matters needing my attention. These easy to learn, user friendly tools allow me to have more of those moments by keeping me organized and prepared.

And also I still love yellow sticky notes.

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